National Nutrition Month!

March is a time dietitians and fellow rd2be’s hold dear – it’s National Nutrition Month! That’s right, nutrition gets a whole month dedicated to it (although if you aren’t hooked up with the field at all you probably wouldn’t know that, I know I didn’t until last year). Every year the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics (AND) puts out a theme for the month and this year it’s “Savor the Flavor of Eating Right“.

and nutrition month

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Don’t get rid of that chocolate!

So, it’s the day after Valentine’s Day. Your loving valentine has just gotten you a box of chocolate. Sure, you indulge a little bit on V-Day – but what do you do the day after? You don’t want to scrap the box (it might make your valentine feel bad), but you can’t keep it around (you’re still kicking butt on your New Year’s Resolutions after all) – you’ve reached a predicament.

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You Can Still Get Your Five-a-Day in this Winter

Hello all! So, we are definitely into the thick of winter. Living in Upstate NY, I can definitely attest to brutal winters – and it’s definitely a season I’m not a fan of. For all you winter fans out there, you enjoy the season that seems to last forever. I’ll stick with loving fall 😛

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Kids & Exercise 

I work at the Y and it makes me so happy when I see kids using the mini-weight machines (correctly) in the tween center instead of watching TV or playing on their tablets. When I was a kid I remember playing outside for hours, or at the very least my brother and I imagined we were adventurers and our playroom was the grand land of something. Needless to say, the likelihood of kids playing these kinds of games anymore is limited with the rise of the “too-much-screen-time” epidemic (which is a real thing). And just as active play has become a thing of the past, a rise in childhood obesity has become a very prevalent part of our present.

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Evaluating Your Weight Loss Plan

Hello all! I hope you’re having a productive start to the week. As of today I’m gearing up to head back to school tomorrow (or technically Wednesday since I don’t have classes Tuesday). Come May I’ll officially be done with my DPD coursework (party time!) – and after spending six years in school at that point I’m so ready for the internship and a transition to online learning. It definitely won’t be easier, but being in a classroom has become tiring after all this time.

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I hate this time of year

Well, not completely. I guess what I really mean is I have a love/hate relationship with this time of year. I’m sure everybody can relate in some capacity (or I could just be crazy – it wouldn’t be unusual).

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How to: Refuel After Your Workout!

So you’ve sweated it out, your muscles have screamed, and your lungs are on fire – what do you do next?

Hello everybody! I hope you had a wonderful weekend, I know I had lots of fun going up to Boston spending some time with some of my best friends and going to Harpoon Brewery’s Octoberfest (you should definitely go if you can!). Every now and then it’s just nice to ditch the Albany area for awhile and go elsewhere. And Boston is one of my favorite cities, so that’s a double bonus. It’s really neat that I’ve been there so much and I can bypass a lot of the touristy stuff (not that it’s bad of course) to do random things the locals do. Funny thing is, I remember one of the first times I visited the city back when I was 16 and I really just fell in love with the vibe of everything. Normally I wouldn’t consider myself a city dweller, but Boston would be one I would consider.

Anyways, let’s actually get into what this post is all about. By now you’ve seen my past blog posts about why exercise is good for you and what you should eat before you workout. Let’s get to what you should be noshing on after your killer workout session.

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How to: Fuel Up for Your Workout!

Otherwise how can you expect your body to function optimally and kill that workout?

Hello everyone! I hope you’re all wrapping September up with a bang! It’s so hard to even think that a month has flown by so quickly – I’ll admit between classes, work, and nutrition club things have been a little crazy for me. Looks like that rest from summer I thought I was going to get isn’t quite happening 😛

Anyways, last week I mentioned I wanted to do a little bit of a workout-centric theme over the next few posts, and here we’ve got another installment!

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Back to School Lunches (When You’re Cramped on Time)

It’s that time of year again: the schoolbooks, the paper and pens, and those packed lunches for your days!

Hello everybody! Wow, September has rolled around and we’re all quickly settling back into the school year (or maybe not so quickly :P). At the very least we’re entering my favorite time of year – fall! So in lieu of us heading back to the daily grind, especially to school, I thought I’d share some portable, easy lunches to have on hand.

Blog2Not all of us have the ability to take a thirty minute lunch break and enjoy an expertly crafted lunch with proper silverware. For some, like myself, you could very well have back-to-back classes during lunch and might only have a ten minute break before you rush off to another commitment. So, you think you only have two options:

  1. Skip lunch and go hungry (boo, nobody likes that!)
  2. Grab the easiest convenient snack which is not so health-friendly

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Top 5 Tips to Avoid the Freshmen 15 (Because it is avoidable!)

You’ve all heard of it: the dreaded “freshmen-15”, but let’s talk about how it’s not a fate written in stone for all of you who are college-bound.

Hello friends! Did you have a wonderful weekend? I hope so! This weekend we were in full on move-in mode (for the last time ever until I get my own apartment somewhere which’ll be a whole different kind of scary/awesome experience altogether) and today I started classes back up! Mondays are super light for me so not too much to complain about really. Just some good ol’ Medical Nutrition Therapy I (maybe I’m a little terrified?).

So I know we’re in the midst of back-to-college season, and I know there are more than a few of you who have heard how challenging it can be to maintain healthy habits when you’re living anywhere but at home. Now this’ll be my sixth year in those circumstances, and while I’ve been living in an apartment for the last few, I did my fair share of time in a dorm room finding sustenance at a less-than-stellar dining hall (naturally it wasn’t until the first year I got an apartment my alma mater decided to step up their game). But, I digress. My point is I’ve been in your shoes and I know how difficult it can be.


Let me take you back to my senior year in high school where I had some unhealthy tendencies shying toward poor body image and overexercising (I have talked briefly about this in a previous post). After I was at my thinnest, I did put weight on in college and it’s taken me some time to find a happy medium. It wasn’t so much the dining hall meals that did me in, rather their dessert spreads, the cafe food on campus, snacking, ordering out, and maybe perhaps getting cookies and having them delivered at 12am (I’m not joking though – you seriously need to try out Insomnia Cookies if you’ve never had it). In the dining hall I got pretty sick of the food they were serving after awhile and ended up sustaining myself on made-to-order sandwiches (which I still sometimes crave haha), whole wheat pasta with Italian dressing, grilled chicken, cooked vegetables, and salads. The sad thing is, this is not a joke.

Let’s talk about how to avoid putting on the pounds and still manage to eat healthily in college, but remember to still take the time to enjoy the college experience because sometimes ordering cookies and midnight is a necessity (aka: studying for finals).

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