Kids & Exercise 

I work at the Y and it makes me so happy when I see kids using the mini-weight machines (correctly) in the tween center instead of watching TV or playing on their tablets. When I was a kid I remember playing outside for hours, or at the very least my brother and I imagined we were adventurers and our playroom was the grand land of something. Needless to say, the likelihood of kids playing these kinds of games anymore is limited with the rise of the “too-much-screen-time” epidemic (which is a real thing). And just as active play has become a thing of the past, a rise in childhood obesity has become a very prevalent part of our present.

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How to: Refuel After Your Workout!

So you’ve sweated it out, your muscles have screamed, and your lungs are on fire – what do you do next?

Hello everybody! I hope you had a wonderful weekend, I know I had lots of fun going up to Boston spending some time with some of my best friends and going to Harpoon Brewery’s Octoberfest (you should definitely go if you can!). Every now and then it’s just nice to ditch the Albany area for awhile and go elsewhere. And Boston is one of my favorite cities, so that’s a double bonus. It’s really neat that I’ve been there so much and I can bypass a lot of the touristy stuff (not that it’s bad of course) to do random things the locals do. Funny thing is, I remember one of the first times I visited the city back when I was 16 and I really just fell in love with the vibe of everything. Normally I wouldn’t consider myself a city dweller, but Boston would be one I would consider.

Anyways, let’s actually get into what this post is all about. By now you’ve seen my past blog posts about why exercise is good for you and what you should eat before you workout. Let’s get to what you should be noshing on after your killer workout session.

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Top 5 Tips to Stay Healthy on Vacation

Because when I think about summer I think about vacations and traveling, don’t you?!

Hello everybody! Well I wish I could say I was going on an exciting trip this summer, especially after watching vlogs and reading about other people’s trips all over. Alas, just because I’m not going on an exciting summer vacation doesn’t mean I can’t give you guys some tips to stay healthy while you’re out there seeing the world!

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