How To: Sleep Better

Hello all! I hope you’re settling into the week smoothly despite losing an hour to Daylight Saving Time (why does such a thing exist Mr. Ben Franklin?). But what greatĀ timing to talk about sleep and just how important it is.

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How to: Fuel Up for Your Workout!

Otherwise how can you expect your body to function optimally and kill that workout?

Hello everyone! I hope you’re all wrapping September up with a bang! It’s so hard to even think that a month has flown by so quickly – I’ll admit between classes, work, and nutrition club things have been a little crazy for me. Looks like that rest from summer I thought I was going to get isn’t quite happening šŸ˜›

Anyways, last week I mentioned I wanted to do a little bit of a workout-centric theme over the next few posts, and here we’ve got another installment!

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All the Granola Bars!

Another classic case of too many options at the grocery store – am I right?Ā 

Hello again, friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend enjoying the last few weeks of sunshine and warmth and lazy summer days (or not so lazy if you’re like me and working 3 jobs, volunteering, looking for placement sites, etc.) because before we know it September will be here! I’m just thrilled I finished my intense, 4-week microbiology class so now that’s done and dusted, and I’ve just gotta get my transcript over to my school. Now I have some time to draft blog posts and schedule out some ahead of time so when things get a little crazy you’ll still get a post on time.

Or at least that’s my goal. We’ll see how it goes haha.

And now onto the real nitty gritty – all about them protein/granola/snack bars you see decking the health food aisles of the grocery store in the nutrition-halo glory. Continue reading

Sweet TemptationĀ 

Because, let’s face it, some of us have a gnarly sweet tooth that needs satiating.Ā 

Hello friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. It was gorgeous here in WNY, which was a wonderful change of pace. Unfortunately I worked all weekend so I didn’t get the chance to enjoy some sunshine and not-scorching-hot temperatures šŸ˜¦ Oh the woes of a grad student. At least the it was nice for the golfers at the country club I work at!

Now how many of you have a sweet tooth? Don’t be shy to admit it, I’m certainly not. If I could be some childhood cartoon-puppet-thing (I guess Sesame St. characters are puppets?) I would be the Cookie Monster hands down. All of my friends know that if you want to make me happy, just give me a cookie and I’m set. I’m like a five year-old, I swear. Now this obsession also extends to chocolate-covered pretzels…whoops.

BUT let’s be honest, can I cave every time I want a chocolate chip cookie and buy one of the huge gourmet ones from Wegmans or Panera or Mrs. Fields? No, because not only is that expensive, but eating one every time I’m tempted would just be a recipe for disaster. So what do I do when that temptation strikes (it happens a lot, I’ll be honest)? Well today I’ve got some alternatives to satisfy your sweet tooth whether you’re craving that huge chocolate chip cookie or maybe it’s a slice of cake or something else!

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Breakfast – Tips and Tricks for the Most Important Meal

Hey everybody! I hope the start of your week is kicking off with some FORCE! Yes, I went there. Forever the nerd, remember? In honor of all of us wanting to be Jedi or Sith (whose side are you on?) and have some awesome Force-wielding skills, I thought I’d talk about the importance of breakfast. Because, let’s face it, if we want to do some cool, mind-bending tricks we’re gonna need our energy for the day.

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Fad Diets

Hello again! I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for winter to be over. Luckily in the Northeast US we seem to be having a bit of a break in the weather (except for today apparently…) as we hit the just-over-halfway part of March. Time is sure flying, but you know what that means: summer is on its way! And with summer on its way, you know what that means.

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