How To: Sleep Better

Hello all! I hope you’re settling into the week smoothly despite losing an hour to Daylight Saving Time (why does such a thing exist Mr. Ben Franklin?). But what great timing to talk about sleep and just how important it is.

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Fall Favorites

So I’ve seen this done so many times on YouTube and I thought why can’t I show some of my favorite foods, workouts, and lifestyle bits a little love this season? After all, fall is my favorite!

On a side note, my dietetic internship application has officially been handed in and is now in the hands of the internship director and the nutrition faculty at my school. Eek! Keep your fingers crossed for me – I should find out in November whether or not I’ve made it into the program. If I do, my internship will be secured and I won’t actually have to worry about going through DICAS (um, score?). Couldn’t ask for a better deal.

Anyways, now we can move into the stuff you’ve been waiting for. My Fall Faves. Continue reading