How To: Sleep Better

Hello all! I hope you’re settling into the week smoothly despite losing an hour to Daylight Saving Time (why does such a thing exist Mr. Ben Franklin?). But what great timing to talk about sleep and just how important it is.

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Why You Should Include Exercise in Your Week

In addition to good nutrition of course!

Hello everybody! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. I was able to visit with my mom this weekend for her birthday, so I really enjoyed my time and took a bit of a mental break from all things school and work. It was really lovely to be honest. I know I’ve taken up a lot more this semester with my role as the graduate assistant in the wellness center and as secretary of the nutrition club on campus, but whew have things been hectic.

Anyways, despite things being crazy I’ve been determined to keep a workout schedule. I don’t know about you, but if I don’t workout regularly I begin to feel like crap. I get moody and angsty and I begin to feel body image issues creeping back into my life. It can be awful really. Luckily, I’ve discovered a YouTube channel that does awesome, short workouts that are still really intense and make you break a sweat. If you haven’t heard of FitnessBlender you need to go check them out. Now. Don’t worry, I’ll wait.

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